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By signing this form, I, the undersigned, do give my permission for Camp Mulberry's camp director, medical staff, camp staff, adult present or in charge of first aid, or River City church official responsible for transporting my child to and from camp to provide medical treatment in the case of sickness or injury to my child, while on the campgrounds or in route to and from the campgrounds. 

I have listed any and all activities in which I prefer my child not to participate on this from in the allotted space above. Camp Mulberry is staffed with a Licensed Registered Nurse. If the staff at Camp Mulberry, see that my child needs medical attention that the camp health professional cannot give, the emergency contact listed above will be notified and my child will be taken to a nearby hospital. Camp Mulberry (and River City) is not responsible for any injury my child may experience while he/she is on campus. I, the undersigned, will be responsible for all medical treatment and/or medications that may be necessary, beginning Sunday prior to the first day of camp and continuing until the Sunday after the last day of camp.

The Associated Brotherhood of Christians, Camp Mulberry, or River City leaders, staff, or volunteer leaders will not pay for or be responsible for any medical treatments or conditions. All responsibility will lie with the parent, legal guardian, or adult that signs this document. 

I acknowledge that I have completely understood this release statement and all its terms and conditions, and by checking the box below, I consent the use of the below e-signature and understand that by e-signing, I am legally bound to all terms and conditions of this document.  



- Senior Camp age limit is those between ages 12 and 18 years old. 
- No UNREGISTERED campers or adults will be allowed on campground or in the dorms, day or night (except at service time) without the permission of the Camp Director. 
- ALL campers/leaders must have the approval of their youth pastor/director to attend.

- Check-in will be Sunday prior to Senior Camp (so 06/09/2024) from 2-4PM. This means parents will need to drop off their students at River City no later than Sunday morning at 7:30AM so that we can leave at 8:30AM at the latest. 
- Once we arrive on the campgrounds of the camp, campers will NOT be allowed to be off campus without the permission of both the Camp Director and their Youth Director. 
- Senior Camp officially ends Friday night, 06/14/2024, after the evening service. This means Current Youth will leave to head back to Waco/River City Saturday morning, 06/15/2024, between 7 & 9AM. The trip is about 6 hours long, so parents should anticipate our return between 1 & 3PM that afternoon. We may stop to get a quick breakfast, but not for long before we get back on the road. Parents, please be sure to keep an eye on the Current Youth Parents Facebook page, as the Youth Director, Kristen Dees, will be posting any important updates and when Current Youth both arrrives at the camp and departs from the camp. If you have not been added to the Facebook group yet, please reach out to Kristen Dees via text and she will get you added. 


- The cost of camp for your student covers three full meals per day Monday - Friday while at camp. Upon arrival at check-in day on Sunday, the camp staff will have a light meal prepared for us available at no additional cost. 
- There will be a concession stand open during the day between meals and after each evening service. If your student would like to purchase any additional snacks or drinks other than the meals already provided, they will be responsible for bringing and keeping up with their own extra money, as well as any personal items. 
- No food will be allowed in the dorms unless approved by dorm supervisors. Our youth leaders staying in the dorms with the students will have extra water, electrolyte drinks, and snacks if students need while in the dorms, as approved by our dorm supervisors.
- IF your student has any allergies (i.e. food allergies), the details of the allergy(ies) MUST be specified in the above allotted area under medical information and communicated to the Youth Director so that all necessary precautions can be taken for the safety of your student(s).


Current Youth leaders in each dorm will collect students' phones at 10PM each night, charge them, and give them back to the students by 7AM, so if you need/want to reach your student, you will be able to do so between the hours of 7AM and 10PM. Students' cellphones will be left in the dorms when we go to services, and students will be able to go back and get them after services. If for any reason they don't answer parents right away, it's because they are either in the middle of a service, activity, or sleeping. The Current Youth Leaders will have phones on them at all times, and the Current Youth Director, Kristen Dees, will give all parents/legal guardians her and all other leaders' contact info. We want students to be able to get a hold of and get closer to God while at camp, so by having these boundaries with phones, this both allows them to do so, and allows parents/legal guardians to be able to get a hold of their student if/when needed. Please be assured that both your students' spritual growth AND safety is our highest priority!

- All medication (prescription & over-the-counter) must be noted on this registration form in the allotted space above under medical information and submitted to the medical staff upon arrival at camp. Any medication NOT submitted to the medical staff will be confiscated.
- Campers are NOT permitted to participate in any public displays of affection towards one another, kissing, hugging inappropriately, excessive touching, etc). 
- Campers are expected to conduct themselves in a moral nature. No foul language, fighting, bullying, or discrimination of any kind will be permitted. 
- Stealing or harming any other person or property may result in dismissal from camp and/or may prevent registration the following year. 
- For the safety of ALL campers, sneaking out of dorms and pranking will not be tolerated and could result in dismissal from camp.
BULLYING in ANY form will not be tolerated on the way to, while at, and on the way from Camp Mulberry. 
* FIRST OFFENSE = Verbal Warning


- Tobacco Products (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, vapes/e-cigarettes, etc.)
- Alcohol/Illegal drugs or substances
- Lighters/Matches/Fireworks
- Firearms/Knives/Ammunition/Weapons of any kind
- Secular Literature/Pictures/Symbols

- A Bible
- Personal bed linens (twin/full size sheet(s), blankets/sleeping bag, pillow, etc.)
- Toiletry items (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap/shampoo, 2-3 bath towels, tampons/pads, etc.)
- Spending money for concession food/drinks and camp merch
- Enough casual recreation clothes for 5-6 days
- Enough casual dress clothes for at least 5 days' worth of evening services

***NOTE: The camp will NOT be furnishing us any bed linen or bath towels.***

Please DO NOT pack anything that:

- Advertises alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs/substances/activities
- Explicitly or implicitly promotes racism, sexism, or hatred of any group or person
Explicitly or implicitly refers to sexual actions or situations
- Is sleeveless or has holes that show an excessive amount of skin
- Is see-through or excessively short or tight-fitting

While at camp, we ask that campers and adults:

- Wear clothes that are modest and representative of their gender
- Wear modest, knee length shorts for BOTH guys AND girls during the day 
- Do not dress in a way that calls attention to their underwear (NO sagging your pants, rolling down your waistbands, pulling up your shorts to make them shorter, etc.)
- Wear a dark t-shirt when participating in messy games or water games (no white, thin, or form fitting shirts for guys OR girls)
- Refrain from wearing a lot of jewelry or excessive makeup 

***NOTE: Shorts will NOT be permitted for guys OR girls during evening services.***

I, the undersigned, have read the above-stated rules with my child and my child and I agree to comply with all rules of Camp Mulberry and the Associated Brotherhood of Christians while on the Campgrounds. 

I understand Camp Mulberry strives to offer fun, safe, and callenging activities that engage the whole person - body, mind, and soul. All students are encouraged, but not required, to participate in these activities. Some exercises and activities require strenuous play and exercise. Activities include, but are not limited to, the following: basketball, volleyball, football, softball, relay races, slip and slide, paintball, etc. The camp staff and Current Youth leaders are committed to my child's rewarding experience with safety as their highest priority. I understand that my child may be photographed or vidoetaped during normal camp activities and these photos/videos may be used in promotional materials. 

I am aware of the risks associated with participation in the abovementioned camp. I hereby release River City staff, Current Youth leaders, the Associated Brotherhood of Christians, Camp Mulberry, and its staff exempt from any liability for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death arising out of the use of Camp Mulberry's recreational facilities, both natural and man-made. I will not hold River City staff, Current Youth leaders, the Associated Brotherhood of Christians, Camp Mulberry, nor its staff responsible for any damage to or loss of mine or my child's personal property. I assume financial responsibility for any damage to the Camp Mulberry facility or property that I or my child may cause. I acknowledge that I have completely read and understood this document and its terms and conditions and, by checking the box below, I consent to the use of this e-signature and understand that by e-signing, I am legally bound to all terms and conditions of this document. 
Please select all that apply.


Please note that any and all sponsor money we receive and fundraiser money we raise as a group will be applied on a first come, first serve basis. This means that if you absolutely need help covering your student(s)' camp cost, you must reach out to Kristen Dees directly at 254-230-8227 to let her know that you need the assistance, that way she can add your student to the sponsor-needed list in order of who reaches out first. All parents are welcome to reach out to friends and family members to see if any are willing to sponor their student, and any funds raised that way will be applied directly to that student. For any further questions regarding sponsorship and fundraising, please reach out to Kristen Dees directly at 254-230-8227 (text message being the best way to reach her). 
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